Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Personal Diary

Have you ever kept a personal diary?  As I look back on my life, that was never really my thing.  I don't know why because I love to write.  I think about writing every single day of my life.  When I have a moment to myself I think to need to write.  Then I don't because I put pressure on myself and can't come up with a thing.  A week or so ago I was searching around looking for creative writing ideas and a personal diary came up.  DUH!!!  I have kept a prayer journal, I have kept a journal of favorite devotionals, I have been blogging for years but never did I think about actually documenting my thoughts and feelings on paper.  So I have begun.  I have a lovely hard bound black book somewhere leftover from school with blank pages.  Do you think I can find it?  No, so I found a plain old black notebook to start, nothing fancy.  I love it!  I look forward to it each day.  To sit with paper and a pen and just to write without worrying who will critique me...or better yet, I don't critique myself.  Whatever is on my mind that day is what I write about.  Sometimes I get interrupted and then my thoughts fly out of my head as quickly as they enter.  But what a lovely time it is to have those few moments alone, just me and my thoughts and my journal. 

If you haven't tried makes an excellent writing exercise...It makes me totally free to be me.

Wishing you a lovely evening!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

How time flies...

I am sort of sad that I have nearly missed blogging for almost a month.  I don't know what happened we had a nice relaxing Thanksgiving and then it was is someone held the gas pedal down on my life and the last two weeks have been filled with traveling, appointment after appointment, the death of my dear aunt, more appointments, a nasty bladder infection and flu like symptoms for about 2 days.  Do you think that is enough?  We were beginning to fear that we would be having Christmas without a Christmas Tree this year but we managed to head out for our family tradition early Sunday morning...because we skipped church we had a wonderful time of singing praises to The Lord on the hour trip.  It was bittersweet as we got home in time to switch gears to go to the funeral home.  But the tree is in the stand and in front of our picture soon as I find my Christmas lights we'll be one step closer to putting on the decorations.

Dennis and I wanted to put some Christmas lights we went to the store and bought some...them we debated if we wanted to put them out.  I asked him if we were acting  I don't want to be like that it is just so hard when you hardly have a minute to spare.  On Monday, he surprised us, as we were at the studio he was wrapping my weeping tree in lights.  It looks cute and festive and we got the neighbors started...because they put lights around their door.  Then yesterday I put a big shiny bow on our front door it is covered with glitter and sparkles 24/ our neighbors have lights in their windows...Dennis and I see it as a our goal get the tree lights up tonight which you can see from their windows.  We'll see who wins:)

The sun is shining our air is crisp and cool but no snow yet which pleases me very much as I am a mild weather girl for sure.  I think that's it for today...I'm off to find my Christmas lights!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Our Thanksgiving

We had such a great Thanksgiving.  I was so organized.  I put all my food together except the turkey, dressing and mashed potatoes together on Wednesday.  Everything was ready and waiting in the fridge for the oven.  I actually had room for all of it and my kitchen stayed clean all day.  In an old house with a small kitchen which also is the door everyone uses to come in my house it is an art form to cook a big meal and have the kitchen tidy but I did it.

The highlight of my day was spending time with my 7 year old nephew and my 4 year old niece.  My niece isn't really sure about me, but my nephew is starting to remember previous Thanksgivings and my food, lol.  Which warms my heart.  I don't see them very often even though they live near my mom.  It makes me sad but sometimes you just have to accept the way things are.  We loaded in our van after dinner and took them to a park.  Brittany followed them around and played with them as my mom and I walked around the perimeter of the park for exercise.  My brother and Dennis through the football around.  It was nearly 60 degrees and beautiful and it felt so good to be out.

After our fun day Brittany and I decided that we would stay awake and try Black Friday shopping at midnight.  We went to Kohls.  We ran into one our studio families...which was fun.  I picked up a couple of things for myself and Brit did the same.  Then we made our way to the end of the line.  Yea...I am embarrassed to say that we waited close to 2 hours in line.  Our friends, went to the jewelry counter...where there was no line.  Who knew?  We aren't professional shoppers.  I would have gladly dropped everything but Brittany was holding tightly to a couple of sale items.  She did get a great deal on a jacket that she has been eying for weeks.  So I did what all moms do...I had patience and waited with her.

Friday...we rested most of the day just hanging around getting ready for the Santa Parade in our small city.  We heard rumors that the balmy temperatures that we had been having for over a week were about to end.  And so they did the morning of the parade.  We awoke to flurries and and near freezing weather.  Most of the kids did great with smiles.  The younger kids cried, some throughout the entire parade.  You just have to keep smiling and encouraging.  Brittany fell on her backside during practice.  I couldn't believe my eyes.  It was like something you see on television.  She was okay other than a swollen ankle the rest of the day.  But our dancers looked beautiful and we finished a second. 

This week, I am getting ready to head to the great state of TEXAS with my husband.  His company is having a Christmas party at the JW Marriott in San Antonio.  We are heading out there Saturday morning.  He took a vacation week and we are extending our stay through Tuesday.  I am not even sure what we are going to do with our free time but we'll nose around and just enjoy a few days together.  I CAN"T WAIT!!!

Until tomorrow,
Have a blessed night!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving Break

I am so happy.  It is another mild, bright, sunny day.  I do not take this for granted and this weather is welcome to stay as long as it wants.

I had been trying to get to the grocery store for a couple of days and they were long, busy days that left me so tired by night that I didn't have any energy to traipse through the isles of a grocery store.  Last night, however I did and I am so glad.  I went late and other than having to wait for a very slow check out girl, I was able to get everything that I needed.

On the menu,

Turkey and Stuffing
Green Bean Casserole
Baked Beans
Mashed Poatoes
Sweet Potato Casserole
And Rolls

For desert I took advantage of our studio fundraiser and ordered 2 delicious pies. One pumpkin and One Caramel Apple Walnut Pie.

I am waiting for Brittany to come home from the gym and then we will work together to get everything ready to go in the oven tomorrow.  I am thrilled she wants to take part in the prep work this year.  Usually I feel like I am missing out when I spend all day in the kitchen.

Tomorrow will be a quiet, relaxing day with my mom, brother and nephew and niece and of course us.  I have been looking forward to a few days break for weeks and I plan to enjoy very single minute.

Wishing you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thankful Tuesday

This morning I had the pleasure of going to a 3rd grade Talent Show along with my Brittany.  She was invited by one of her Performance Team dancers.  It was one of the cutest things I have ever seen.  I just know that this little girl will remember for all time her dance teacher coming to watch her dance in her show.   This little girl had  taught her friend what she has been learning this year.

I am thankful for many things but especially the fact that I get to be around so many young girls each and every day of my life.  I enjoy the energy these kids bring to my life.  I love laughing with them, their hugs, encouraging them.  It's fun and even though it can be so very tiring day after day keeping this freight train on track I wouldn't be anywhere else.

Tonight we have parade practice followed by milk and chocolate chip cookies for all the kids.  I'm sure that it is going to be an action packed evening.  Then, we have a 3 day break.  I am looking forward to spending some family time.  Brittany wants to help me in the kitchen this year, which makes me thrilled.  We'll get things done quick working together which will allow more time to just rest and relax.

Do you go out shopping on Black Friday?  I have never done this before but some of the moms at our studio make a whole day of it.  I think Brittany and I will dip our toes in the water of Black Friday shopping and hit Kohls at midnight.  It might be fun, of course it could be crazy too but we are both game.  Then we'll come home and head for bed.  I'm not really looking to shop for anyone...maybe we'll each buy ourselves a little something just so we can say we did.

That's about all.  I'm just thankful, pure and simple for all that The Lord has blessed me with.  Life isn't always easy but I wouldn't miss it for anything.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Saying Yes A Little More

This is the way I started my Saturday.  My sweet husband offered to make me a big breakfast and I decided...yes.  I have just recently realized something about myself.  I am so quick to jump and serve, to to to take care of everyone's needs that seldom do I allow someone to take care of mine.  I resist.  It's not that I'm stubborn, it's just how I'm wired.  Someone offers to make me something, I jump up and say "I'll do it".  I think sometimes I cause frustration to those who love me because it almost comes out defensive and that is not my intent at all.  I am going to try really hard as the days go on to allow others to serve me too.  

I guess I am just a take charge kind of wife and mom, always putting their needs above my own.  I think it made him happy to make me this yummy breakfast.  I've never thought about it like that here is to saying yes just a little more.  I enjoyed my breakfast very much, he did a fantastic job!

My weekend is going to be full of getting ready for Thanksgiving, baking Chocolate Chip cookies for our happy dancers at parade practice and hair bow making (for the parade).  
Outside the sun is shining and it's a lovely day. 

Wishing you a great weekend!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Half Way Point!

I woke up this morning to a beautiful day, the sun is shining and I am happy to say that I  survived turning 50.  I went to bed at 12:06 last night, just in case an asteroid would fall from space and take me out, I wanted to be fully awake for it.  I'm laughing at myself today, what was I thinking.  It's just a number after all.  I am still the same me for Heavens sake.

I'm going to look at this birthday as sort of a mulligan, a do over.  The way I see it, I have about fifty more years or so to continue to praise The Lord, guide my Brittany, live on happily with the love of my life.  Lord willing that is.

I am pumped though, I'm excited.  I am going to get more in tune with myself.  Focus on fitness, eat better and drop some unwanted pounds leftover from my forties.  Yes, this is a brand new year for me full of possibilities!

Brittany woke up this morning shoving her gifts at me, she has wanted me to have them for the past 2 days and I keep telling that I would wait.  She was having no more of that.  My girl bought me two lovely pair of earrings, a beautiful purse it is burgandy with a bow on it, and two gorgeous sweaters.  I told her it was too much but she reminded me that I am her only mom.  Seems to me I have said those same exact words  to my sweet mom a time or two myself.   I took the tonight off and instead of working around my house I am going to go have dinner with my husband and then I am going to let him buy me something.  I think I have been driving him crazy all week.  He keeps asking me what I want and I keep telling him either, "I don't know.", "I don't need anything. " or "you don't have to buy me a thing."

I guess if he were saying it to me then I would feel the same way.

I found something online that is really cool.  Since today is day one of the rest of my life I went to  They have all types of trackers on there and best of all it is free although I did buy an app for my iPad for only 3.99.  But I have been nosing around on their website too and it is much cheaper than WW being free  so I'm excited.

Ok, I'm done with rambling for today.  I'm off to get myself presentable for my date tonight!